Friday, March 31, 2017

Being Alone

Being Alone by Keith Cook

News Event: March 31 - April 2, 2017 - Keith and Joan will be speaking at the Extend the Impact Conference with Next Generation Alliance in Fresno, California.  Luis Palau and many artist will be sharing at the Fresno City Fest which will be held at the Save Mart Center on the Fresno State University Campus.

Now therefore stand still, that I may reason with you before the LORD of all the righteous acts of the LORD, which he did to you and to your fathers. 1 Samuel 12:7

Recently, I had a really strange weekend. I was all alone. It is really quite hard to suddenly find yourself alone when you are use to having people all in your life. Usually I have all kinds of people and things in my life - all kinds of activity. But not so that weekend.

Joan, my wife, was visiting family miles away. My son, Keith and his wife Megan, were away ministering in a local church revival on the Gulf Coast. My local friends all had plans for the weekend. All my staff were out ministering all over the world and I was home alone. Friends from out of town did stop in earlier in the week to visit for one night but they now had moved on down the road. To make things even worse - it was cloudy and raining outside.

I had tried to fill my life with activity. I had plenty of places I could go eat at or shop or look at. But they all had no appeal.

I had rented several movies I had been wanting to see, that my wife would not want to see, but they some how seem uninteresting.

I had turned on my internet buddy list and internet phone service but no one was chatting or calling.

Every dish was clean, all the laundry was in the basket, the normal manly clutter was out of sight. Nothing left to do - nothing! I mean nothing!

My house was suddenly very quiet and very lonely.

Does this sound like something you have ever been through?

While my predicament sounds dire it was not really life threatening. It was not very serious but it was very emotional. My wife, son, friends, co-workers, peers, are all great and will be back in my world very soon. This is not a real problem. I am just spoiled with a wonderful life that is filled with wonderful people, activities, and blessings from God.

Many people live their lives in a kind of permanent aloneness. They never get beyond being just with themselves.

The Bible tells us, if we have a relationship in Christ, that we are never really alone. We have the presence of Christ in our life at all times. Isaiah 41:10 says, "Fear you not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; for I am your God: I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness."

The Bible actually admonishes us to "be still and know that I am God." Psalms 46:10

Here are some insight about being alone.

1. Being temporarily alone is not a bad thing. You will survive. Use the time to reflect, catch up, clean up, relax, enjoy.

2. Take time to actually plan to get alone for a time or season. I am not talking about great amounts of time - simply - take the time, make the time, to get alone for some quality time of reflection and meditation on what God is doing in your life and what He may want to be doing in the future. This is something you may want to do on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis.

3. Plan a daily time to get alone with God. During this time you need to pray, read the Word (Bible), and have some time to reflect and wait on God to speak to your mind and heart.

4. If you have been through a crisis or suffered a loss due to death make sure you are allowing God, your church, your friends and family to minister to you.

5. If you do not have family, friends, or a church home now would be a great time to seek out a local church to help you in your time of need. We all need support and encouragement and the local church is a great - best - place to start.

6. If you do not know the Lord - now is a good time to come to Him. He loves you and will help you - not just through this situation - but with your whole life.

7. Do not retreat into perpetual aloneness. Allow time during times of grief and sorrow - but also allow Christ to heal your heart and mind. Seek Christian professional help if you do not seem to be handling your grief and situations in a way that you know is healthy and right.

So being alone is not really a bad thing. It may be boring. It may be unusual and seldom experienced but Christ can speak and lead even in times of aloneness.

You can probably tell what God has called me to do during my time alone - away for all my normal activity. He has led me to write this devotion! I hope it has been time well spent. I certainly do not feel all alone any more. I feel like you have joined me in this very moment. May God bless you as you live on for Christ. Never alone - always - in Christ.

Daily Prayer Focus: Pray that God will give you time this week to literally get alone with Him in prayer and Bible study. Pray that He will prepare your heart for the truths He will reveal to you!

On The Go Prayer Focus: All the local churches, committees, and leaders who will be working with On The Go Ministries and the Keith Cook Team in creative outreach efforts in the United States and around the world.  Pray for Keith and Joan as they share at the Extend the Impact Conference in Fresno, California. Pray for evangelists and artists as they attend the conference that they will be blessed, encouraged, and challenged to take the ministries to new heights as God directs each step!

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 31, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2008, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Ambassadors or Terrorists

Ambassadors or Terrorists by Keith Cook

"Now then we are ambassadors for Christ..." 2 Corinthians 5:20

As you allow God to begin directing your thoughts, He will begin showing you people who need to hear about Jesus and giving you the words you need to say.

Recently, I have come to a rather profound conclusion. It has changed my life and the lives of many with whom I have shared this with. The conclusion is a simple understanding that the opposite of an ambassador is a terrorist! Some of us are acting like spiritual terrorists.

While we would never bomb a building or take another person's life, we justly believe that these actions are ungodly and horrible.

Yet, because we are not thinking like God wants us to think, and are not doing what God wants us to do - we are, in a spiritual sense, causing just as much spiritual damage as the ungodly crazed physical terrorist. We are sending people into a Christ-less eternity because we choose not to think or listen to God's leading to share our faith with someone!

Actual terrorists cause people to die because of anger and demonic reasoning; some Christians, who are not serving as our Lord's ambassadors, allow people to die without a relationship with Christ. I do not want to be any form of a terrorist. I want to be an ambassador of Christ. What about you?

Live for Jesus this week. Be an ambassador for Jesus.

Daily Prayer Focus: Pray that you will be a faithful ambassador for Christ, directing people to Him, and not a terrorist by failing to share your faith.

On The Go Prayer Focus: Keith Cook, Joan Cook, the U.S.A. Staff, and On The Go Board of Directors, as they add leadership and direction for the ongoing ministries of the Keith Cook Team and On The Go.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for MARCH 30, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2003, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Refuel Your Tank

Refuel Your Tank by Laurie McTier

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:58

Recently as I was driving down the road, my car began to hesitate and it appeared to be out of gas. As I looked down at the fuel gauge, I noticed that according to the gauge, I still had a quarter of a tank of gas. I delayed going to the gas station, thinking I could get to my next destination and then refuel. Embarrassingly enough, I ran out of gas sitting in my director's driveway.

I learned the hard way that my car responds differently when it is cold outside. I have to put fuel in the tank more often, and the gage is not quite as accurate.

How does that apply to our Christian walk? God wants us to spend time with Him in His word and in prayer each and every day. Only then, can we refuel our tanks and experience the joy of the Lord and be prepared for the tests that come our way. God wants us to apply 1 Corinthians 15:58 in our daily walk with Him.

1) Beloved Brethren. We are loved. God is our Father and we are His Children. He desires an intimate relationship with each of us.

2) Steadfast. Set your focus. Do not allow detours in your walk with the Lord. Take heed to warnings that the Holy Spirit gives you, do not try to take short cuts.

3) Unmovable. Stand your Ground. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. You will not always understand the trials and difficulties you experience, but stand your ground. Place your trust in God, He will never fail you.

4) Abound in the work of the Lord. Seek God's will and allow Him to direct your every step. God does not ask for your abilities, but for your availability.

5) Your Labor is not in Vain. The prayers of a righteous man are effective and productive. God will reward you for your faithful service. God's word promises that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart.

There is no substitute for spending time with God. We must have fuel in our tanks in order to be effective for Christ and glorify Him.

Daily Prayer Focus: Pray that you will be steadfast, unmovable, abounding in the work of the Lord, and that your labor will be rewarded.

On The Go Prayer Focus: The Safety In Travel for each On The Go staffer and GoTeam volunteer.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 29, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2004, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Praising God from A-Z

Praising God from A-Z, by Keith and Joan Cook

"O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together." Psalms 34:3

As we consider His character today, may truth cause our life to be a symphony of praise.

A - Praise Him For His Mighty Actions and Acting on your behalf
B - Praise Him For Being your "Big" God
C - Praise Him For His Constant Care
D - Praise Him For Demonstrating His Love for you in Christ
E - Praise Him For Being The Everlasting Father
F - Praise Him For His Faithfulness
G - Praise Him For His Guidance and Grace
H - Praise Him For His Holiness
I - Praise Him For Inspiring All Creation to Greatness
J - Praise Him For Jesus your Messiah
K - Praise Him For Kindness and Knowledge of your Real Needs
L - Praise Him For His Love
M - Praise Him For His Majesty and Mercy
N - Praise Him For Being Noble, Never Failing, and Always being Near
O - Praise Him For His Omnipresence and Omnipotence
P - Praise Him For His Promises, Presence, and Protection
Q - Praise Him For Speaking in Quietness and Quickly Heeding your cry
R - Praise Him For Rest, Restoration, and Righteousness
S - Praise Him For Salvation and Safety in Him
T - Praise Him For Being Triumphant and Trustworthy
U - Praise Him For Understanding your Needs and His Universal Love
V - Praise Him For His Victory and Vision throughout life
W - Praise Him For His Wisdom and Willingness to Work with all Mankind
X - Praise Him For His Expression of Love By Sending His Son Jesus
Y - Praise Him For Being The Same Yesterday, Today and Forever
Z - Praise Him For His Zealous pursuit of you

Daily Prayer Focus:  Praise God for who He is and all that He is doing in your midst!

On The Go Prayer Focus: The Interns who faithfully come to On The Go each year to work for Christ and learn how to do ministry that matters for the kingdom of God.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 28, 2017
Brought to you each day by  On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2003, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Character of Daniel (Part 2)

The Character of Daniel (Part 2) by Joan Cook

Daniel 1 and 2

Today, we are continuing to look at Daniel's life and his Godly attributes which we can apply to our own lives.

5. Daniel had Christian Friends - The Bible tells us that after Daniel made an appointment with the King to interpret his dream, he immediately went home and told his friends his situation and they prayed together.

Do you have Christian friends in whom you can confide? Friends that will tell you the truth about a situation! Friends that will help you when you are down or needy! Friends that will pray with you until you get an answer!

6. Daniel was Humble - After Daniel had been given the interpretation to the King's dream and was to reveal it to the King, he remained humble. He told the King that it was not because of his wisdom that God had given him the interpretation, but because he was being a chosen vessel.

When God uses you to speak to others, do you remain humble knowing that it is Him, not you? We should never elevate ourselves to His throne, but should remain on bended knee at the base of the throne. A humble man is one who is totally dependent on God.

7. Daniel was Blessed - Daniel was promoted by the King to a high place in his kingdom.

Do you recognize the blessings of God on your life? If you are breathing right now, you are blessed! God has blessed all of us with life and has given us all a calling that He has placed on our lives. The Bible tells us that we are blessed to be a blessing.

H. G. Wells said, "If there is no God nothing matters, but if there is a God nothing else matters."

We must be men and women of character - God's character, displaying to others the love and power of Jesus Christ.

Daily Prayer Focus: Pray that God will allow you to be a Believer of Godly Character. Ask God today for training, standards, recognition, opportunities, Christian friends, humility, and blessing.

On The Go Prayer Focus: All the Ministry Partners, Missions, Missionaries that On The Go ministers with. It takes team work to make the dream of reaching the world a reality

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 26, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2003, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Character of Daniel (Part 1)

The Character of Daniel (Part 1) by Joan Cook

Daniel 1 and 2

Recently, God has directed me in my Bible Studies to the book of Daniel. In looking at Daniel's life, I saw many Godly attributes that I believe are important for us to try and emulate today.

1. Daniel was Trained - He was selected to train to be in the King's service. He went through academic and physical training for three years.

Are you training to be in the King of King's service? Are you reading His Word and talking with the Lord on a daily basis? Are you learning more about who He is and the plan He has for your life?

2. Daniel had Standards - He did not conform to the standards others had set for him. Daniel was offered the King's delicacies to eat, but he refused them because the food had been offered to idols. He knew he did not want to defile his body with their food, so he asked to have vegetables and water served to him.

Are you conforming to the standards of this world or have you set your standards according to the Word of God? You see, if the devil can feed us slop, he knows it will turn us into pigs.

3. Daniel was Recognized - After his training, Daniel was recognized by King Nebuchadnezzar to be in his personal service. He was also recognized as being the wisest man in the land.

Are you recognized as being a follower of Christ? Can others readily identify you by your actions and words as being a friend of Jesus?

4. Daniel had Opportunity - Daniel had an opportunity to let all know that his God was the true God. When the King needed someone to interpret his dream and no one could do it, the King ordered all wise men killed. Instead of Daniel running away, he stepped up and proclaimed that he knew the One who could interpret the dream. He seized the opportunity.

Are you seizing the opportunities God is giving to you? You meet so many people every day that have needs. Are you meeting their needs by turning them toward the Savior?

Daily Prayer Focus: Pray that God will enable you to seize opportunities to reach out to those in need and share with them the love of Christ.

On The Go Prayer Focus: The follow-up of inquirers who come publicly and make decisions for Christ, write in for materials to grow in Christ, or who visit our website looking for help in following Christ. Pray for local believers, churches, parents, and friends who all will be used of God to nurture each and every one to maturity in Christ.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 25, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2003, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Sanctified Relaxing

Sanctified Relaxing by Keith Cook

"Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass." Psalms 35:5, 7

Most of us want to do something all the time. Resting and relaxing are even frowned upon by some in our culture. While being lazy is a sin, the Bible does speak concerning the need for God directed resting. God wants all of us to learn how to rest in Him. This is what I call "sanctified relaxing." During these times you actually are renewing your strength and charging your spiritual batteries.

How To Rest

Lay it all down - Get honest and open up to Christ. You can not hide from Jesus. True rest will soon follow if you will admit you have needs you can not meet on your own. Why not invite the Creator of your life to instruct you how to live your life.

Close your eyes - Taking your eyes off the ways of the world and turning your back on sin will lead to a life of rest in Christ.

Enjoy the time - Enjoy trusting in Jesus and letting Him take care of your every need.

Dream - When you rest God will fill your mind and heart with dreams of what He has in store for you. The great thing about God directed dreams is that they are more like prophecy of things to come. Dreams should excite us about our future and inspire us to live on to see the completion of those dreams.

Awake Refreshed - True resting in Christ produces a refreshed and relaxed attitude and spirit. Being fully alive in Christ will lead to great victories over the Devil.

Signs You Are Not Resting - How Not To Rest

Worry - When you worry you allow the Devil and chance to dictate the pace of your life. You actually hand control of your life over to your main adversary. The Devil actually wants to harm you. His main goal is to bring God down in your eyes and bring you down in God's eyes. Do not allow worry to rob you of victory.

Fear - Fear is faith in the Devil, this is the ultimate expression of not trusting in Christ.

Deny - Denying that you have a need to rest and let go of your troubles is a real sign of spiritual decay and a humanistic mindset. Going it alone or avoiding looking at problems and life through God's eyes always leads to ruin.

Holding On - Holding on to the trials, problems, activities, or the day will keep you from resting. When you have done all you can do to stand, stand, Relax and trust the Lord to take care of the opportunities of your life.

Benefits of Resting

1. You Renew Your Strength

2. Reflecting On Challenges Produces Confidence

3. Remembering Who Is In Control Assures Success

Go ahead and take a "sanctified slumber party" today. Take a load off your spirit and put it on the Holy Spirit. Rest in knowing that Jesus is working tirelessly on your behalf.

Daily Prayer Focus: Ask God to search your heart today: Are you truly Resting in Him, or are there signs of worry, fear, denial, or holding on. Pray that God will enable you to release these areas and walk in step with His perfect plan.

On The Go Prayer Focus: The Families of the On The Go staff. Pray for their emotions, finances, safety, wisdom, and spiritual health.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion For March 24, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2003, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure by Keith Cook

"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15

Can we go into all the world and preach the Gospel? Yes, We Can! Jesus would not have sent us on a mission that didn't matter. He wouldn't just send us on a mission that we couldn't do! Therefore, the mission matters, and we can do it.

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."  Philippians 4:13

Many times people do not share their faith and they do not go on mission trips for many different reasons.

1. They do not serve the Lord because they fear rejection.

2. They do not serve the Lord because they fear the unknown.

3. They do not serve the Lord because they fear failure and do not want to fail.

Recently in America, there was a television show on air where people were bidding for a job in a major corporation. They are all trying to win the President's and CEO's favor. The workers are doing everything that they can to land the job. Anything that the CEO asks of them, they are willing or forced to do. They do not want to be referred to as a failure. They do not want to lose the job or position.

Today the Lord has called you and He has told you that you will not fail if you will go out in the power of the Holy Spirit to share for Christ. Many of you today may be trying to measure up to someone's expectations of how you are supposed to show your faith or how you are supposed to live the Christian life. You may also be looking at some false examples of how to do God's work. Let me tell you the truth, if you need an example to follow, you have the best pattern to pattern your life after in the life and example of Jesus Christ. Follow the example of Christ. Consider doing the following to tackle your fears and do all Christ is calling you to do:

1. Get your Bible and open it up. Read and study about Jesus Christ and then let His example and passion become your own.

2. Read about the early disciples, the apostles, and how they lived their Christian life. Then put their positive examples into the patterns of your everyday life. Be inspired and motivated by their observations, trials, and victories.

3. Go out and put the Word into action by living by faith. Don't be afraid to try great things for God and to attempt great things for God. You can do it today.

Don't fear failure, work, the unknown, or rejection because "greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world". (1 John 4:4)

Daily Prayer Focus: Praise God for the victories He has given to you over fear in your own life. Pray for an opportunity to share your testimony with someone today so that they can find true victory in Jesus as well.

On The Go Prayer Focus: On The Go's World Outreach Center (WOC). This is our main office and training facility. Pray for God to protect the building, guard the mechanical and structural aspects of the facility, and use the facility for maximum eternal benefits.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion For March 23, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2004, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Fear of The Unknown

Fear of The Unknown by Keith Cook

"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel," Ephesians 6:19, 20

As Christians we are all called to share our faith with everyone we meet. Many take this command from the Lord and run with it. They are natural, they love to share their faith, and talk with others about Jesus Christ. On the other hand, there are others who don't share that gift. To them the Great Commission is just a command that they must obey and follow. These individuals are trying to work out their faith in their everyday lives. These individuals live in fear of rejection and the fear of the unknown.

In our world today, there are so many things that we don't know about.  We don't know what people will say, nor what questions they will ask. It grips our heart with fear to approach someone about their relationship with Christ.

This reminds me of babies and toddlers who are learning to walk and to get around in life. When they are scared, they automatically reach up to their mother or their father. They reach up to hold on to the parent's hand or leg to give them strength and stability. I remember when my son, Keith Jr., was young, every time he became afraid, or saw something that scared him, he would grab for me or my wife Joan. This was such a tender time for both of us.

When you get afraid, don't be ashamed; just talk to Jesus. Go to your Father and reach out for Him. When you are in the middle of a situation that is unknown to you or strange to you, you won't know what to do, you have the Holy Spirit there protecting, guarding, directing, and giving you the words to say.

Today, don't fear the unknown. You do know someone whose name is Jesus. He knows it all, the beginning and the end. Jesus Christ has sent you on a mission. Don't be afraid!

Daily Prayer Focus: Reach up to Jesus and pray that the Holy Spirit will protect, guard, direct, and give you the words to share as you seek to share your faith in Jesus Christ.

On The Go Prayer Focus: The follow-up of inquirers who come publicly and make decisions for Christ, write in for materials to grow in Christ, or who visit our website looking for help in following Christ. Pray for local believers, churches, parents, and friends who all will be used of God to nurture each and every one to maturity in Christ.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 22, 2017
Brought to you each day by  On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2004, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Have You Ever Been Rejected?

Have You Ever Been Rejected? By Keith Cook

"My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins." James 5:19, 20

In trying to share your faith, there are many things that you can do. One of the things that the devil wants you to do is to get you afraid and get you to live by fear. The number one fear of sharing your faith that the devil wants you to cling to is the fear of rejection. I will never forget when I was younger, my youth director took me down to the "hot spot" and then kicked me out of the van and told me, "Don't come back until you have shared your faith with someone." I remember timidly walking from car to car and window to window, knocking on the windows. People would roll down their windows and look at me as if I were crazy or expecting the food they had just ordered.

I soon began to realize that what I was really afraid of was the idea of being rejected. No one likes being rejected, but the truth is this, if you are more afraid of being rejected than the truth of where your friend is going to spend eternity, then something is wrong in your life.

We all need to rise up and not be ashamed of sharing our faith. We do not need to be ashamed of taking a risk, because it is risky to go out and tell others about Christ. Do not be concerned about being rejected, but where they will spend eternity. Share the love of Jesus with someone today. Anytime you are afraid, that is the time to put all of your faith, hope, and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Give Him all of your needs and trust Him today with all that you have. Jesus loves you so much and He loves the whole world. Go out and share the love of Christ.

Daily Prayer Focus: Pray that God will enable you to Rise Up,  Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ.

On The Go Prayer Focus: Those who need to make decisions for Christ as On The Go and the Keith Cook Team shares the Gospel around the world. Pray that they will hear a clear message about Christ, that the Holy Spirit will move them to a point of decision and that they will be bold enough to publicly respond for Christ.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 21, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2004, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Monday, March 20, 2017

The Fear of Work

The Fear of Work by Keith Cook

"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." Acts 1:8

Right Now, the Lord is calling us to Go! He wants us to go into our neighborhoods, our cities, our state, our country, and even all around the world.

Our ministry, On The Go Ministries, sends young people and adults all around the world sharing their faith. They go out in boldness and are fired up and excited as their youth group and friends have been trained and they know how to share their faith in Jesus Christ. They are motivated to do the work of Christ. They are not afraid but are driven to work for God.

On the other hand, there are a lot of people in today's society, maybe even someone reading this devotion right now, that are afraid to work for God because they don't believe they have the tools. My friend, as Christians, we have all been given the proper tools to live out our faith. We have the Holy Spirit living in us. You may think you don't have the intelligence required, but the Bible says that the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance those things that you put in your mind and in your heart. He will also give you the words to say when you don't know what to say.

Don't fear working for God. Some of you may not feel worthy because of sin in your life. That sin is just a confession away. Right now you can confess that sin, forsake it, and go on and live for God so that there is nothing standing in your way of doing what God would have you to do. Don't fear working for God. Be about the Master's business today! Get On The Go for God. He has a mission for you that really matters. You can do it! Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith, and He has a task for you to do. Sign up today to be about the Master's Business.

Daily Pray Focus: Pray that God will open the eyes of your heart in a greater way to opportunities to work for God. Pray that you will be about the Master's Business.

On The Go Prayer Focus: All the local churches, committees, and leaders who will be working with On The Go Ministries and the Keith Cook Team in creative outreach efforts in the United States and around the world.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 20, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2004, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Why We Don't Share Our Faith

Why We Don't Share Our Faith by Keith Cook

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

There are many different reasons why we don't share our faith in Jesus Christ. You may never be an expert at sharing your faith but you are called by God to share whenever you have an opportunity. I personally love to tell others about Christ and have learned over the years to share my faith more effectively. The most important thing to do is to actually talk with people about Jesus Christ.

Many people try to memorize thousands of scriptures and always have outreach tools and formulas prepared so that "if they say this...I will say this," or "if they do this...I will do this". The main thing that God wants everyone to do every day is to go out in the power of the Holy Spirit and tell the Good News. Every day and every second with our life, with our attitude, and with our words we all can be greatly and mightily used by God.

There are four reasons why we don't share our faith.

1) Laziness. We can just sit back and not do anything to further the Kingdom. Some trust that the pastors and missionaries will do all the "soul winning". They wrongly believe it's not their responsibility.

2) Lack of Knowledge. We may think that we do not know enough to share the wonderful message of Jesus Christ. We are afraid that we will not say the right thing or not give enough Biblical insight to get someone really saved. This is not true because as Christians we always have the Holy Spirit living inside of us, and He will give everyone the right words to say.

3) Sin. There are many times when we don't feel that we can rise up and do what God wants us to do because of present sin. The Bible says that we can confess our sins, and forsake them, and they will be gone. When we confess our sins, God doesn't remember it, and neither should we. Do not let sin rob you of the honor of sharing your faith in Christ with someone else.

4) Fear. This is the number one reason why we don't share our faith. Fear is holding us back from obeying God and fulfilling the Great Commission. When we allow fear to rule our live we are in effect putting more faith in the devil than we are in God. Fear has been called "faith in the devil."

Today, God wants us to take our fear, our laziness, our lack of knowledge, and our sin and put them all into His care. He will take care of us and give us all the courage to share our faith in Jesus Christ.

Daily Prayer: Pray that God will forgive you for your laziness, lack of knowledge, present sin, and fear that have kept you from actively sharing your faith in Jesus Christ.

On The Go Prayer Focus: The "On The Go Daily Internet Devotions". This devotional series is read by hundreds around the World via the internet. "On The Go Daily Internet Devotions" are used to encourage, challenge, and motivate Christians in their daily walk. Pray for Keith, Joan, the On The Go Staff, and special guests as they share daily through these devotional thoughts. You can subscribe to these daily devotions via our website if you are not already a subscriber.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 19, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2005, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Spring Break Truths for Teens

Spring Break Truths for Teens by Keith Cook

There is an age old tradition in America. It is almost like a rite of passage for teenagers. It is the time honored tradition for taking a "Spring Break." Spring Break is a time to take off with friends and celebrate spring, summer coming, and school almost being finished for another year. Over the next two days, we will be presenting Spring Break ideas for both parents and young people which we believe can be very beneficial in making your Spring Break and family time count for Christ. Today's truths are for young people; for Spring Break Truths for Parents, please see yesterday's Daily Devotion.

Youth, what can you do on Spring Break to Protect yourself and Honor Christ?

1. Never do anything Jesus would not do!

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."  Galatians 2:20

2. Never be alone with someone of the opposite sex, or someone you are attracted to or is attracted to you.

"For everything in the world--the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does-- comes not from the Father but from the world."  1 John 2:16

3. Do not excuse your actions because everyone else is doing it.

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever..." 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

4. Do not dress like you are loose or immoral. Do not buy, bring, or wear any shirt, hat, button, etc. that promotes Alcohol, Drugs, Sex, Illegal Activities, or Behavior.

"Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature"  Romans 13:14

5. Do not ride or get in a car, motorcycle, or boat with someone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit."  Ephesians 5:15-18

6. Avoid hanging around people who are carousing and never destroy anything!

"For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil."  Ecclesiastes 12:14

7. Call your parents or an adult to help you immediately if you feel in danger or need help.

"Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you." Hebrews 13:17

8. Pray for strength and guidance from the Lord in where you party, play, and relax. Ask Him to help you know who to hang with and what to go do!

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:1, 2

9. Never forget who you are in Christ and be ready to be used by God to help others know about real life in Christ.

"...I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received." Ephesians 4:1

10. Relax and have fun, knowing you are where God wants you to be, with those God wants you to be with, doing what He has approved for you to do.

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10

Jesus gives youth energy to live life to the fullest and many more days to grow and mature at a proper pace into adulthood. Do not rush doing "adult" things. Many adult things are evil expressions of adults who have nothing to live for. They are tools and toys of the Devil to placate an idol mind and an empty heart.

Daily Prayer Focus: Pray today that God will guard your heart and give you victory over even the appearance of evil.

On The Go Prayer Focus: The 30 Minute Radio & Podcast Program "On The Go with Keith Cook". This is a weekly program airing over the internet, short wave, and radio stations. Each week Keith relates creative ways to share Christ. Pray for Keith, Joan, the On The Go Staff, and special guests as they minister on these broadcasts. You can hear these programs via our website if it is not available in your area.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 18, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2005, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Spring Break Truths

Spring Break Truths for Parents by Keith Cook

"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." Proverbs 4:23

There is an age old tradition in America. It is almost like a rite of passage for teenagers. It is the time honored tradition for taking a "Spring Break." Spring Break is a time to take off with friends and celebrate spring, summer coming, and school almost being finished for another year. Over the next two days, we will be presenting Spring Break ideas for both parents and young people which we believe can be very beneficial in making your Spring Break and family time count for Christ. Today's truths are for parents; tomorrow will be geared towards our youth.

In years past young people flocked to beaches all over America and partied. These beach parties have been marked by loud music, wild swimsuits, couples pairing up, lots of drinking, and revelry. Communities all over the country have tried to control the flood of usually unruly youth by setting curfews, hiring more police, and keeping down the illegal and harmful activities.

Recently I went to a music website and they were advertising songs for spring break. I took a look at some of the titles. I was amazed. Look with me at some of them. (Note some of these are rather crude and you can skip over the following list if you would like.)

American Idiot, Beer Man, Bootylicious, Change Clothes, Cold Hard B**h, Dip It Low, Disco Inferno, Drinkin' Bone, Drop It Like It's Hot, Get the Party Started, Get Ur Freak On, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Hella Good, Here for the Party, Horndog, Hot in Herre, I Fought the Law, I Just Wanna Live, I Love This Bar, I'm Not Okay (I Promise), In da Club, Jerk It Out, Just Lose It, Karma, Lapdance, Last Nite, Lean Back, Let's Get Blown, Let's Get It Started, Let's Get Loud, Like a Pimp, Locked Up, Magic Stick, Mass Destruction, Move Ya Body, Naughty Girl, No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems, Playgirl, Redneck Woman, Here for the Party, Rock Your Body, Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy), Shake That Monkey, Shake Ya Tailfeather, Shut Up, Slither, Starry Eyed Surprise, (What Happens In Mexico) Stays in Mexico, Take Me Out, The Worst Hangover Ever, Tipsy, Whiskey Girl, You Had Me.

These songs scream lack of self-esteem, bad self image, and insecurity. Girls are being baited to act crude, immoral, and seductive to be liberated as modern women. Young men are being prodded to live it up, party, drink, break something, fight something to experience the ultimate thrill.  The Devil's marketing firm is working overtime this year.

Spring break should be a time to celebrate life, family, friends, and fellowship in Christ. There is so much that young people have to live for, but going off and getting drunk, getting high, or getting a room with some stranger is not what being young and full of life is all about.

Those of you who have teenagers (parents - grandparents) what can you do to help them during this special time of year?

1. Pray for them. Pray for protection, wisdom, and courage to stand for Christ.

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."  1 Corinthians 10:13

2. Pray with them. Let them hear your heart cry for them to God.

"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." 1 John 4:4

3. Talk with them about their witness and what Christ really expects from them as they walk out their faith in public and private places.

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." James 1:12

4. Set boundaries with and for them. Make it plain and simple. Be realistic but also require and demand Godly standards.

"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7

5. Know where they are at all times and whom they are with. Never let your children ride, travel, or associate with those who break the law by buying substances that are illegal. Never allow adults whom you do not trust or know their values and standards to be with your children.

"Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted." Hebrews 2:18

6. Have an integrity check when they return from any outing. Make them come and look you in the eye and talk to you face to face about their night or week. I have come up with a new use for cell phones that have cameras attached to them. I advise parents who are doing buddy checks to call their child and ask them to snap a picture right then of the people and the place they are suppose to be with and location they are suppose to be at. It works!

"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." Luke 27:31, 32

7. Trust them to Christ. He loves and wants the best for them. Allow Him to move in their lives. Provide a good modern Bible for them to read. Purchase good music and good books for them to enjoy. Listen to their spiritual hearts as they share the kind of Christian book, Bible, Music, they want to have. It pays off to let them in the decision process.

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6

8. Don't be afraid to provide your youth and their friends with an exciting, chaperoned Spring Break Adventure. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your youth and their friends having the best Spring Break ever with you as a proper check and balance. Be careful not to over participate the Spring Break experience. Decide beforehand with your child which activities you are welcome at.

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."  Proverbs 27:17

Jesus gives youth energy to live life to the fullest and many more days to grow and mature at a proper pace into adulthood. Do not rush doing "adult" things. Many adult things are evil expressions of adults who have nothing to live for. They are tools and toys of the Devil to placate an idol mind and an empty heart.

On The Go Prayer Focus: On The Go's Outreach Training Schools (OTS). In our OTS, young people and adults are trained to go to the next level in their service to God. Pray for On The Go as we train believers to make a difference in their generation.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 17, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2005, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Not Of This World

Not Of This World - By Keith and Joan Cook

"They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." John 17:16

Our ministry team is fortunate in that we are around hundreds of young people throughout the year on mission projects in the United States and overseas. Young people seem to keep us all a little younger by their vivaciousness and enthusiasm.  Their energy rubs off on all those around them.

The Bible tells us that adults are not to look down on their youthfulness. In righteousness, purity, and love they (youth) are to show themselves an example for others to follow. Wow! Young people today are setting an example for others to follow. Whether it be a good example or a bad one, they are setting some kind of an example to those around them. God would have all youth and adults to not be of this world nor to act and react of this world. We are to live, function, and express ourselves differently. How?

If you are young and full of energy decide today to be that great example of what a Christian youth should act like.

Youthful Christian:

Be An Example

Set The Course For Others To Follow

Use Your Zeal To Do Good Things For God

Stay Focused On What God Has For You

If you find yourself in the ripe old age of adulthood or even old age decide today to help encourage the youth around you to be all they can be for Christ. Through their love, purity, and righteousness they can be such an incredible witness for Jesus Christ to all those around them!  Today's youth have so much to offer! Let's encourage them to raise their banner high and live for the Lord!

Adult Christian:

Encourage All You Inspire To Live For Jesus 24/7

Live For Him In All You Do

Mentor For The Master

Don't Look Down Or Make Fun Of Youth Who Are Trying To Trust God For Their Generation

Leave Behind A Legacy Of Compassion, Inspiration, And Encouragement

Today, young or old, live not of this world but on the highest level. Live by God's standards not the world's. You can still make a difference in these unique times you now find yourself in.  Live For Heaven's sake!

Prayer Focus: Pray for the courage to say no to the world and yes to the Lord Jesus in all you do today. God bless you as you let Jesus be king.

On The Go Prayer Focus: On The Go's USA Outreach Effort. God has placed a United States effort on the heart and mind of the On The Go Team. Three key objectives are sharing, praying, and training in every county in the USA using On The Go Advance Teams, Training Teams, Planning Teams, Prayer Teams, GoTeams, and Outreach Efforts.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 16, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2005, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Average Joe

The Average Joe by Keith Cook

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

How does the average Joe think? Most of us have been in the faith for so long we have forgotten what being lost is really like. We have forgotten the loneliness and emptiness of life without Christ.

Most lost people in North America somehow know and sense that they should go to church. They often have tremendous guilt about not going to church. Most unchurched people think of Sunday morning as the proper time to go to church.

Most lost and seeking individuals would go to church if invited by a friend or associate. They are often asked to go to clubs, games, or events by friends but rarely to Christian events.

This is hard to understand with all the media, materials, and emphasis on Christianity in our culture, but most people have never really heard a clear gospel presentation. They have heard about religion and debates on the Bible, virgin birth, and church differences but they really do not have a clue about how to truly come to know Christ and what it means to follow Him as a believer.

There also are millions of non-churchgoing individuals who longingly want Christian role models, mentors, friends, teachers, and pastors in their lives. They value believers' opinions and really listen to them when they speak. They may not have the power to do anything or change anything in their lives, but they do want you in their lives!

The lost person thinks less about faith and religion as they rise the corporate ladder. As a person rises socially and financially in our culture they seem to buy a degree of insulation from any or most interaction with true and real believers. They run in social circles where the talk is not about absolutes or values but position and status. They are modern day untouchables. They usually can not be reached unless someone from their past can come into their world or someone in their social world dares to share with them.

Most unchurched want their children to go to church and have religious values. This is often out of a fondness they have in their memory of past blessing received from caring Sunday School or Vacation Bible School teachers.

Finally, the lost are profoundly attracted by events that speak to specific needs in their lives. They like financial seminars, family and parent events, music and drama, and services and programs that speak their language. While they are initially drawn by events or crisis situations, they are held and kept interested by the relationships they form with new friends they make at those events.

It is so important for us as believers to invite all we can to come to exciting events that speak to our generation and then care enough to continue to be there for those we invite! Being a real disciple means not only following Christ but also bringing others along with us.

Daily Prayer Focus: Pray for the opportunity to invite your unchurched friends, coworkers, and family members to your Church Service this week. Pray that their eyes will be sensitive and ears attentive to the gospel.

On The Go Prayer Focus: On The Go's Performing Arts Team. Pray for our team as we minister through drama, puppets, interpretive dance, and music. Our Performing Arts Teams are made up of volunteers and On The Go staffers who travel around the USA to local churches and events sharing the Good News.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 13, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2005, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Sound Mind - Sober Spirit

Sound Mind - Sober Spirit by Keith Cook

"But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. Use hospitality one to another without grudging. As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. " 1 Peter 4:7-11

When life is uncertain and our future seems to be in question, it is so good to know that we face these circumstances together as families, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. More importantly, it is good to know that Jesus sees our circumstances, understands our fears, and cares about our future. God has promised us through His Word how to live together in faith and how to trust Him regardless of our circumstances.

The message that God has for our generation, I believe can be found in 1 Peter 4:7-11. Peter was directed by the Holy Spirit to write these verses hundreds of years ago. In these verses, he told the people then, "you had better watch out because the end is near."

He had a message from God; a fresh word for his generation. I believe that every generation needs men and women who live their lives as if they are living on the edge of eternity. They are men and women of passion - real champions for God! They boldly share God's message of salvation as if today were their last day on this earth.

(This devotion was taken as an excerpt with permission from Keith Cook's latest book entitled "The End is Near".  Throughout this book, Keith addresses current front page issues in light of Biblical interpretation, and boldly shares how you can implement true Christian lifestyle principles in your everyday life. To purchase your own personal copy of his book, please contact On The Go Ministries.)

Daily Prayer Focus: Pray that God will give you a Sound Mind and a Sober Spirit as daily you seek to provide Hope to those in need.

On The Go Prayer Focus: On The Go Publications & Media Team. We are striving to saturate and minister to a contemporary culture and society through modern media. This division includes our audio, video, internet, and written materials. Through these various ministries we reach out, train, and inspire Christians to action.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 14, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2004, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Fill My Cup Lord

Fill My Cup Lord by Laurie McTier    

"According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises:."  2 Peter 1: 3, 4

One morning, I woke up a little late as I didn't hear my alarm going off. I just up out of bed, grabbed a cup of coffee, and a shower, and then went into my office to spend time with the Lord.

In my heart, I knew I was running late, but I really wanted to hear a word from God, so I knew I needed to spend time with Him in the Word and in prayer. As I began to pray, God reminded me of a hymn we have sung for years, "Fill My Cup Lord."

This has become my prayer each morning as I start my day. As I read today's scriptures, God gave me the following prayer points.

Fill My Cup Lord with Your Divine Power.

Fill My Cup Lord with Your Abundant Blessings.

Fill My Cup Lord with Your Zeal for Life and Godliness.

Fill My Cup Lord with Your Knowledge of Your Word.

Fill My Cup Lord with Your Calling through which I Glorify You.

Fill My Cup Lord with Your Exceeding and Precious Promises.

God wants us to set out each day to accomplish His agenda for our lives. He wants us to start each day with Prayer and His Word. As we seek to know Him intimately, He will Fill Your Cup to Overflowing!

Prayer Focus: Pray for a Renewed Sense of God's Presence, His Power, and His Promises.

On The Go Prayer Focus:  Praise God for each individual decision for Christ in Benin, Togo, Croatia, Bosnia, and Serbia this past week. Pray for our new brothers and sisters in Christ as they seek to know the Lord in a deeper way. Pray for their spiritual growth and they will become involved in a local Christian church. Also, pray for each evangelist as they travel back to their homes that they will be encouraged, renewed, and challenged to Share the Gospel of Christ.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 13, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2004, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Listening To Jesus

Listening To Jesus by Keith Cook

There are so many voices calling to us today. There is the media. There is our culture. There are our associates. There also are supernatural voices calling to us today.

Jesus Is Calling and So Is the Devil!  

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand." John 10:27-29

Jesus calls us to listen to His voice. The Devil hides behind deceit and deception. His tricks are numerous. He does not come as a hideous scary being but as a deceptive light or voice. He gently calls to everyone. He is calling and questioning you to reconsider any word you have received from God. He wants you to critically question your beliefs and precepts that you have found in the Bible. He wants you to scholarly reflect.

"Did God really say that?" is his favorite phrase.

Jesus' words are easy to understand and respond to.

Jesus says to Go quickly and Do His bidding. The Devil says Why not take it Slow, there's plenty of time!

Jesus wants all to Shout His words from the rooftops. The Devil wants all to Doubt His words are true and relevant today.

Jesus wants everyone to take the Gospel to every city and ethnic group. The Devil wants us to take it easy because tomorrow is soon enough to share Christ's love.

Jesus commands us to Go into all the world. The Devil says, Isn't it good enough to just go to church?

Who are we going to listen to? Who are you listening to: the words of life from Jesus or the lies of the defeated and toothless Devil?

Listen to Jesus and know that His words bring life, hope, peace, and comfort.

Resist the Devil, whose lies bring death, despair, turmoil, and agony.

How to hear God's words!

1. Read God's Word.

2. Talk about God's Word to others.

3. Listen to the teachings of God's Word.

4. Reflect and meditate on God's Word.

5. Continually do God's commands as found in His Word.

If you listen you can hear Him speaking to you even now! Listen, reflect, respond today.

Daily Prayer Focus: Pray for spiritual discernment as you seek to hear God's voice and respond in obedience to His leading in your life.  Pray for God's shield to penetrate the lies and deceitful tactics of the Devil.

On The Go Prayer Focus: The physical, spiritual, emotional, and financial needs of people hurting all over the United States and Worldwide. As God gives us opportunity in times of crisis we need to rapidly move to help. Praise God for each need He has met as our teams ministered in Benin, Togo, Croatia, Bosnia, and Serbia this past week!

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 12, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2004, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Who is Your God?

Who is Your God? by Laurie McTier

"And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." Exodus 3:14

At your birth, your parents gave you a name. This was a name that they had chosen after spending hours before selecting the perfect name. You may have been named after your grandparents or someone famous. You may have done research to find out the meaning of your name or even traced your family tree to find out more about your ancestors. As we research and find the meanings behind a name, it is amazing to see that on many occasions, one's personality and character traits are often very similar to their namesake.

The Bible tells that there is only One True God. The Bible also gives us many names of God which identify His attributes.

1) Jehovah Jireh - God Our Provider (Genesis 22:1-14)
2) Jehovah Rapha - God Our Healer (Exodus 15:26)
3) Jehovah Nissi - God Our Banner - Victory (Exodus 17:15,16)
4) Jehovah Me'Kadesh Our Sanctifier - Cleansing (Leviticus 20:7)
5) Jehovah Shalom - God Our Peace (Judges 6:24)
6) Jehovah Rohi - God Our Shepherd (Psalms 23:1)
7) Jehovah Tsidkenu - God Our Righteousness (Jeremiah 23:5)
8) Jehovah Sabboth - God Our Rest - Lord (I Samuel 1:3)

As I have studied these attributes, I am also reminded that God is the great "I Am". Whatever your need is today, He is the "I Am". He is all that you need and He wants you to bring your needs to Him and allow Him to minister to you. The Bible says that God is also the "Alpha and Omega". He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

Today, I want to challenge you to spend time in prayer praising God for who He is and all that He has done for you.

Daily Prayer Focus: Worship God for who He is. Praise Him for His attributes. Praise Him for His promises.

On The Go Prayer Focus: GoTeams. GoTeams are teams of young people and adults ministering throughout the world who want to make an impact in another individuals life for Christ. This week we have a GoTeam in Benin, Togo, Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia. Pray for Keith, Michael, Zach, and the team that they will have boldness, power, compassion, and sensitivity as they minister today.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 11, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2004, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Listening to Jesus

Listening to Jesus by Keith Cook

"Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest." John 4:35

Today is the time for radical faith. Gone is the convenience of being lukewarm and not actively engaging in reaching our culture. Today's culture is rapidly invading the church and even individuals Christians world-wide.

If we are going to win people to Christ and turn back the tide of the evil and hedonistic humanism that is engulfing our world, we need to do three simple things.

1. Stop - We need to stop what we are doing and take time to make new friends for Jesus Christ's sake. We really need to become friends with more people and let more people into our world. Most of us live in a really small world. We need to venture out and see real people with real needs.

2. Look - We need to look for open doors to share our faith and dependence on Jesus Christ. God will provide all who ask Him with open doors and natural and easy transition opportunities to share about Jesus. Take the time to look for ways to share and follow God's path when He reveals it.

3. Listen - We need to yield to the Spirit and listen to those we are sharing with!  God will direct your steps if you give Him your life each day. While salvation is a once in a lifetime experience, following Jesus is moment by moment. Making Jesus Lord and being filled with the Spirit is something that takes daily dying to self and a moment by moment trusting is God's resources and directions.

Let's do what God is directing us to do today, while we have time and opportunity.

Pray Focus:  Pray that God will enable you to Stop, Look, and Listen in a greater way than ever before.

On The Go Prayer Focus: All the Ministry Partners, Missions, Missionaries that On The Go ministers with. It takes team work to make the dream of reaching the world a reality. Praise God for the Work He is Doing in Benin and Togo This Week!  Many lives have been changed! Thanks so much for your continued prayers and support.

Also pray for Keith Cook and the team as they travel to Lome, Togo today. Pray for travel mercies and Divine Appointments!

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 10, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2004, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord by Carey Smith

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5

Can you describe this verse in a picture?  Recently I was walking through the parking lot heading into Wal-Mart and I noticed a family walking out.  What caught my eye was seeing a little girl, around 4 years old holding on to her daddy's hand.  Now, she was not just holding it, she was holding it, walking behind him, with her eyes closed, skipping and smiling.  To me, that is a perfect picture of this verse.  Joyfully trusting in God, allowing Him to lead you without struggling against His direction or trying peek over His shoulder to see what is coming.  This little girl trusted her dad to lead her away from the dangers of the parking lot and she did not have a care in the world because he was holding firmly to her hand.

When I think of the word "Faith" I am also reminded of Queen Esther. In Esther chapter 4, we find that the Queen is preparing herself to meet with the king.  She is going to approach him unannounced which is punishable by death, unless the king extends his scepter.  The Jews are facing certain destruction and Esther has asked her people to fast and pray because she is going to approach the king, unannounced.  She does not know if God will have the king extend his scepter but she is going to trust God that his is what she needs to do, right now.

Apply Proverbs 3:5 to your life today. Where do you need to trust God with no reserves. God does not ask us to rely on our understanding, but to trust Him with all of our heart.

Daily Prayer Focus: Recommit to trust God in all your ways. Ask God to give you a childlike faith. Lean on God, Acknowledge Him, and He will direct  your paths.

On The Go Prayer Focus: Keith Cook Events. Pray for Keith as he ministers through hands-on training opportunities. This is the mobile, active division of our Outreach Training department. This week Keith and the team are ministering in Cotonou, Benin and Lome, Togo.  Pray that God will challenge the hearts of those to whom they will be ministering to that they might see the need for greater involvement in evangelism and that God will open doors for them to serve Him both in their home countries and to the ends of the earth.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 9, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2007, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Fit For Life

Fit For Life by Joan Cook

"Bodily fitness has limited value, but spiritual fitness is of unlimited value, for it holds promise both for this present life and for the life to come." 1 Timothy 4:8

Recently, I started a new exercise program because I want to become FIT!  That's sounds like most people in the world today.  If you look at the magazines next to the checkout counter the next time you are standing in the long grocery line, you will see that most of them are about becoming fit or staying fit.  Why is it so hard for us to do? Maybe because it involves discipline!  This is a word that I am not fond of, yet I know without it I can't accomplish my goal to become physically fit!

What about our spiritual fitness?  Do we exercise daily by reading God's word and spending quality time with Him in prayer?  We can't expect to gain strength in our life without making these things a priority. As Christians, we must grow in the things of God in order to be an effective witness.  It takes discipline to set the time aside each day for prayer and study, but oh how spiritually fit you will become!

Like physical exercise demands discipline, the same is true of our spiritual exercise!  Can you do it?  Of course you can!  The Bible tells us that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.  Be committed today to becoming FIT!

Daily Prayer Focus: Pray that God will enable you to be Fit to Serve. Pray that He will strengthen you both physically and spiritually so that you may be equipped to serve.

On The Go Prayer Focus: On The Go's "Adopt An Evangelist" program. This program provides funding and support for various missions and evangelists around the world.  This week Keith Cook and Michael Amamieye will be ministering with our Africa Team in Benin and Togo.  Pray that God will challenge the hearts of each attendee and bring their ministries to the next level.

Also, pray for Keith and Joan today as they celebrate their wedding anniversary!

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 8, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2006, 2017  On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Daddy, You Do It!

Daddy, You Do It! by Shad Williams

"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:18-20

As I have met with the Lord this morning, He has reminded me of something. I woke up today, very early as usual, with many things on my mind - schedule, finances, team, etc. I got my coffee and then went into the study and sat down in my rocker where I sit and talk to Jesus in the early hours. As I sat there, God brought to my mind an incident that happened over 30 years ago.

In 1972 Sheila and I were living in Jackson, Tennessee and were attending Union University. Our son, Michael, was almost three years old. As I was sitting in the living room in a rocker, he was playing with a puzzle on the floor in front of me. It was a puzzle with large wooden pieces. He struggled and struggled with the pieces, and then he did a very wise thing for a three year old. He piled all the pieces on the board, stood up, and laid the whole thing in my lap. Then he said, "Here, Daddy, YOU Do It!"

When that little boy did that, God spoke to me in a powerful way and told me that I can do the same thing. I have been laying the puzzles in His lap ever since. But, occasionally, I fall under the delusion that I might just be able to work one puzzle on my own. Wrong Answer! This morning I have piled the pieces on the board and laid them in the Father's lap and I am trusting "Daddy" to do it. I cannot work the puzzle of scheduling, or finances, or team needs, or parental care, or anything else, but I know that my "Daddy" can.

Do you have a puzzle you are struggling with this morning, or even this week? May I suggest that, whatever it is, write the thing or things on a piece of paper, get on your knees in a private place, literally hold that paper up to the Lord, and cry out loud, "Here 'Daddy' YOU Do It!" You and your spouse may want to do it together, or you and your associate - as an act of agreeing in prayer concerning the matter. Regardless of who you are with or not with - DO IT. Do not spend one more useless moment in struggle, in the delusion of self-sufficiency - give it to God. Then put the paper (your puzzle) in your Bible, DayTimer, mirror, or whatever you choose, and when God works it, write it down.

Remember the ABC Prayer - Lord, I ADMIT I cannot run my Life, but I BELIEVE in You (Your presence, power, provision and protection), and I CHOOSE Your will for my life today, even though I may not yet know what it is.

God bless you all - and if you have any puzzles you want me to pray with you about, just let me know. I am sitting in front of His rocker every morning.

(This devotion was written by fellow evangelist and dear friend, Shad Williams. Thanks Shad for sharing with us a piece of the puzzle of your life. I'm sure that this devotion has been a blessing to your heart today. If so, please email us at the address below so that we can rejoice with you as you walk victoriously in your Christian walk!)

Daily Prayer Focus: Hold up the Pieces of the Puzzle of your life, cry out to God, "Daddy, You Do It".

On The Go Prayer Focus: Benin GoTeam as they begin hosting the Evangelism Outreach Training School today. This school will run Tuesday through Thursday. The team will be ministering to local evangelists, pastors and church leaders. There will also be various venues for the team to minister throughout the week. Pray that God will continue to raise up godly men and women to reach their nation for Christ.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for March 7, 2017
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2004, 2017 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
E-zine Editor, Laurie McTier,
Send E-zine questions or comments to:

Subscribing - If you're reading a pass-along copy of this "On The Go" devotional e-zine and want to receive your own subscription, free of charge, simply fill out the online form at .

After registering online you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your subscription request, and you simply reply to that e-mail. Thank you and God bless.