Saturday, August 7, 2010

How Great Is Your God? by Gloria Brandon

On The Go Daily Devotion for August 7, 2010
Brought to you each day by
Keith Cook Evangelistic Association / On The Go

How Great Is Your God? by Gloria Brandon

³To whom then will you liken God? Or what likeness will you compare Him?² Isaiah 40:18

How Great Is Your God? Who can compare to your God?

In Isaiah 40, Isaiah tells us how great God is. It is GodŠ
€ Whose arm shall rule for Him (vs. 10)
€ Who measures the waters in the hollow of His hand (vs. 12)
€ Who measures the heaven with a span (which is the width of the out-stretched hand) (vs. 12)
€ Who weighed the mountains and the hills in scales and balances (vs. 12)
€ Who directed and taught the Holy Spirit (vs. 13)
€ Who lifted the Isles as if it were a little thing (vs.15)
€ Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain (vs. 22)
€ Who numbers the stars and calls them by name (vs. 26)
€ Who is the Creator of all the earth (vs. 28)
€ Who gives power to the weak (vs. 29)

So who compares to God?

It certainly is not the nations, they are but a drop in the bucket (vs. 15), actually less than nothing and worthless before God (vs. 17). Even humanity doesn¹t compare to God. We are but grasshoppers according to verse 22.

How great is your God?

To what or whom are you giving the honor that belongs only to God? There is no comparison to the greatness of God!

Do you need strength today from the Creator of the universe?

³They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.² Isaiah 40:31

Daily Prayer: Praise God for His Greatness!

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