Monday, September 21, 2015

The Importance of Reaping And Sowing in Our Future

The Importance of Reaping And Sowing in Our Future by Keith Cook

Earlier this month we have looked at how we can sow love, stability, faith, hope, and peace into people's lives. In the past few days we have talked a lot about facing the future and making our lives count for Christ. Today, let's look at two other ways that we can sow fruit for God's Glory and at the same time make an impact on the future.

1. We should sow Blessings - We all have been blessed of God to be a blessing. God could take all of us to Heaven after conversion if we had nothing else to do in this life. But He does not take us; instead He sends us, into the highways and byways, searching for those that He would have us minister to in His name.

2. We can sow Eternity - The most eternal thing you can do is to sow into someone's life the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When you take a risk and share the love of Jesus you have given someone more than stability or blessing you have given them a future life in Heaven. Our future will eventually bring all of us to eternity in either Heaven or Hell. This will happen to everyone. Sow Eternity.

Each of us needs to sow greatly and we will reap a reward from God.

What have you sown this past week?

What have you sown into Christ's service lately?

What have you sown into other people's lives?

What have you done that matters?

Not too long ago I received an offering in the mail from someone that I knew did not have a great deal of money. I also knew that they wanted to do something that counted for Christ and I felt in my spirit that the Lord was going to bless them. Not because of their gift to us, but because of their obedience to God. They had listened to the Lord and met someone's need.

Not too long after receiving the gift I received confirmation from them that God had moved mightily in their family and answered a prayer they had been praying for quite some time. God had blessed them and they were praising Him.

God wants us to start sowing into people's lives, not just monetarily. Money is so minute. There are people around your life who need so much more than money. They need understanding, they need compassion, and they need someone to encourage them.

Most of us are in so deep; money won't help us right now. You know what I mean! We need a way out. We need a way through. We need a way around, and it only comes from Christ. We can sow for Him.

Daily Prayer Focus: Who could you bless or bring Jesus to today? Take every moment to bless and share Christ this week.

On The Go Prayer Focus: Those who need to make decisions for Christ as On The Go and the Keith Cook Team shares the Gospel around the world. Pray that they will hear a clear message about Christ, that the Holy Spirit will move them to a point of decision and that they will be bold enough to publicly respond for Christ.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for September 21, 2015
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2003, 2015 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
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On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
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