Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day! by Joan and Keith Cook

"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."  1 Timothy 2:1, 2

July 4th is a wonderful holiday here in the United States! Independence and freedom are something we, as Americans, often times take for granted. It is hard for us to imagine living in a country where we are not free to express our own views, worship as we please, go to the store and find anything we could possible want, sleep in a home that is heated and cooled at our whim, get in your car and drive where we please, or any other number of things we so easily take for granted. 

As Americans, we have a responsibility to pray for the leaders of our country:

Pray for President Trump
Pray for Vice-president Pence
Pray for your Senators and Congressmen
Pray for all those who are in a leadership position in our nation
Pray for all the countries of the world and their leaders

If you travel around the world, as we do at On The Go, it does not take you long before you realize there is truly "no place like home". We have had the privilege to visit over 40 countries in our travels. While those countries and the people were so beautiful, hospitable, and proud of their own homeland, the United States is the place that Joan and I hold dear.

Lord Jesus, continue to stretch out your hand of blessing, love, and protection on this great Nation. Help this country never forget that it is only through You that our blessings come! I pray that we will continue to take those blessings and share them with others around the world. May we never forget that Jesus is the greatest blessing of them all!

Daily Prayer Focus: Pray for our troops as they are continuing to fight for our freedom. Pray against terrorism and that God would stop any evil plans that evil men have to hurt individuals world-wide.

On The Go Prayer Focus: On The Go's GoCare ministry. This is our acts of kindness and benevolence ministry department. The focus of our GoCare ministry is to reach out to physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of hurting individuals and to build bridges between churches and their communities. 

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for July 4, 2020
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2002, 2020 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
Permission is granted to "forward" this devotional to friends and acquaintances. All other rights reserved.

On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
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