Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Speak In Love

Speak In Love by Keith Cook

"But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:" Ephesians 4:15

Always speak the truth in love.

For out 25th wedding anniversary, my wife and I were surprised with a party by some of our friends. At the close of the night they asked us to share some embarrassing moments that Joan and I had had over the years. Let me share one of Joan's moments.

Joan wanted to cook me a special meal when we come back to our little house after our honeymoon. I was so excited! We had spent all our money on our honeymoon and had just enough left over to have some very basic meals and one very special meal. She planned long and hard as to what she would fix for this special meal.

My bride called my mother and asked her my favorite thing to eat. She was told that I loved old-fashioned pot roast. She then proceeded to write down my mother's famous roast recipe.

Joan worked in the kitchen all day long. I could smell the roast cooking and I was getting ready for the meal of a lifetime. She brought it out to the table and said that she hoped I would like it. I cut into the meat and with a childlike delight brought the succulent beef to my mouth.

As my taste buds absorbed the flavor of the meat I almost cried, not at the joy of the great dish my new wife had prepared, but at the horrible flavor. I tried to eat the meat with zeal and not let on that it was not good. Joan could tell something was wrong.

She tasted the meat and began to cry. I quickly went to her side and said it was great, just bad beef. She calmed down some and then I asked her about the recipe. She told me.

Then I began to laugh. She had fixed my mother's famous recipe with all the right ingredients except she had misunderstood her main ingredient. She had added mustard where the recipe called for mushrooms. (Phone connections were bad in those days!) She had completely ruined the taste by adding the wrong ingredients.

She called my mother and got the recipe right. Now, she fixes the dish even better than mom!

In all of your relationships remember to love and appreciate all the special things that others do for you. Even when they are not perfect.

Personal Prayer Focus: Praise God for the special people He has given to you, pray a special prayer for each of them today.

On The Go Prayer Focus: All the local churches, committees, and leaders who will be working with On The Go Ministries and the Keith Cook Team in creative outreach efforts in the United States and around the world.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this important division of On The Go Ministries. For more information on any our ministries here at On The Go, you may send your questions to

On The Go Daily Devotion for May 20, 2020
Brought to you each day by On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team

Copyright (c) 2005, 2020 On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
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On The Go Ministries / Keith Cook Team
P.O. Box 963, Springfield, TN 37172, (615) 299-0222,
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